Hey there! My name is Sami, I am a consultant at AllSquares.
In this piece, I’m going to tell you about a couple of awesome experiences the team and I had recently. We left the office and attended Launch Vic’s: Yeah Nah Conference at the Melbourne Museum and Components Conf at Marvel Stadium.

Yeah Nah Conference

On the 6th of September, the team ventured out to Melbourne Museum to attend Launch Vic’s third annual summit – whereby founders gathered to talk about the yeah’s and nah’s of their Startup journey.

First up was probably my favourite chat of the day. We listened to the insane story of Sam Kroonenburg & his brother – starting up A Cloud Guru from a study in Tasmania. After initially pouring so much time and effort into a previous idea that had failed – this was his all or nothing moment. Worth it? Well, let’s just say they’ve gone from a modest head count of 60 at the beginning of 2018 to over 200 worldwide today.. Yikes!

Something else that stuck with me from that chat was Sara; Sam & John chatting about hiring when scaling and how to keep a consistent culture. A phrase that I’ve taken and will try to implement in all lines of work is ‘codifying behaviour’ – keep your values consistent and be able to identify & practice them.

My next favourite chat was definitely from Dominic Pym at Up Banking, if you don’t know – then you definitely should because this Startup is about to change the banking game. I downloaded the app in 2.5 minutes and was able to link the digital card to my GPay and ready to pay. Live analytics of my spending along with predictive behaviour of my spending – here we come – this is the future and I love it!!! 😀

Components Conference

Next up on big nerd day outs, was myself venturing out on Tuesday 10th of September to Marvel Stadium to attend quite possibly the BIGGEST gathering of Javascript lovers I have ever seen – yeowza!

As a recruiter, I would be lying straight at you if I said I understood the functionality behind React Hooks & Storybook styling guides. But for someone who had no clue, this was a super fun time and I would recommend this to any front end developer/industry people.

The stages were absolutely blessed by some Javascript powerhouses from all around the world. We simply had the best of the best showing the crowd what was in and was out of the JS world.

We had the likes of Rodolfo Dias from Berlin (pictured above) chatting to the crowd about how Cinema, React and Styled Components were alike and used the best description of Johnny Dep being the same person but was in a different character.

We also had Natalia Tepluhina from Gitlab (Ukraine) talking about Vue and composition functions, coding live on stage – categorising cats onto a website haha! Mike Ryan (Sinapse, USA) was chatting to us about complexity management using NgRx and how to optimise large code & control flow./

Martin Splitt (Google, Switzerland) gave us the funniest presentation talking about how to optimise your search with JS tools, I was laughing with the toaster description he gave. “What the f*ck is shiny and modern? How are we to know that is a toaster? Your toaster website is going to die!”

And Yaser (Readify (Telstra Purple), Melbourne) absolutely stole the crowd with his live presentation with Tenserflow.JS and how AI was coming onto the scene with Javascript. Check below! :O

All in all, I have to say – I now love networking at events. The crowd were super friendly and I met a lot of javascript developers, the feedback was warm and positive upon finding out I was a recruiter. Fair to say that perhaps developers may just want you to take a glimpse into their world, might just give you some JS respect!

OH, and I didn’t have any business cards, BUT everyone loved these bad boys I was giving out 😉

Come chat with if you want to get one of these!! Let me know of any events you think I should be attending please.

