Hi there! My name’s Kelly and I recently joined the AllSquares team as their newest Senior Delivery Consultant! Here is a breakdown of my first month:

It’s true what they say- time does fly when you’re having fun! I can’t believe it’s been over a month since I’ve started at AllSquares, it really feels as though I’ve been a part of this team for years!

In my second week, the team were kind enough to bring me along with them to Darwin! I felt very fortunate to be included in their celebration of a very successful 2021.

My favourite memory of our trip was from night two. After a delicious dinner with the whole clan, a small group of us decided to go to the pub (then the clerrrb later that night). Once there, the ever-wonderful Richard Alexander-Barnes surprised me with a rendition of Let It Be by the Beetles but with a twist. He sang, “When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom… Kelly Lyyyy”. It was iconic!

I had the best time on this trip! Not only was I able to see Darwin for the first time, but I was able to bond with my new teammates in a way that most never get to experience. Each member (including all members of Danny and Jules’ family) made me feel incredibly welcomed. It is a trip that I will remember forever.

Since returning from Darwin, I have been working closely with Danny on some fantastic roles and chatting to some great candidates. Coming from a creative recruitment background I’ve never dived deep into the product and tech space but since being at AllSquares, I’ve learnt so much so far and keen to learn more.

I wanted to join AllSquares for many reasons, I wanted to become a stronger Recruiter, to learn about different industries and companies, and have a change in environment but most importantly, I joined because of the people. Each individual here is incredibly kind and generous with their time and knowledge.

What makes AllSquares unique to me is that there is care in every aspect of this business. Care in their people, their clients and processes. This makes me feel a great sense of pride to be a part of this team.

Looking back at the last month, I truly feel as though I have found a home in AllSquares. Kristen, Danny, Jules and the team have welcomed me with open arms and I’m so excited to be on this journey with AllSquares!