A few words to introduce your company and yourself?

HelloCFO is a Melbourne based Accounting & Advisory firm supporting some of Australia’s most exciting and ambitious entrepreneur led businesses. We focus exclusively on supporting startup and fast growth companies and we provide Strategic CFO, accounting and tax compliance, and corporate advisory services.

My role is Founder and Director. When I’m not working with our amazing clients and team I’m probably hanging out with my kids, in the kitchen cooking something, or riding sideways on some type of board.

What problem are you solving?
So often great companies and entrepreneurs struggle with their finances, either because they don’t have strong financial expertise, or they’re so busy running a business it’s the last thing they want to worry about. The traditional tax accountant isn’t going to fill that void, and hiring a full time CFO is cost prohibitive in the early stages.

We fill that gap. Anything from staying on top of your financial performance, to building your financial model, prepping for a cap raise or getting the right tax structures in place. We provide very practical support so you’ve got confidence in your finances and can focus on growing your business.

Any words on the Digital/ Tech Melbourne ecosystem and community?
The increasing maturity of the Melbourne (and Australian) startup scene is such an asset for teams building businesses today. There’s so much wisdom and experience to learn from and great networks to tap in to, meaning teams can get the information they need to move ahead faster.

What’s the biggest challenge for Australian start-ups in your opinion?
The R&D incentive is a big one we see. Equal parts increased scrutiny from the regulators and misunderstanding around what is claimable R&D by founders can be really challenging. When it’s so heavily relied upon by many startups it’s important to get right.

What technology are you most looking forward to becoming mainstream in the next few years?
It’s probably a dream, but AI/ML in google sheets. We do lots of financial model building, and having the repetition automated away smartly would be amazing

Any tips on building successful / cohesive teams?
Culture and humble, focused leadership. Founders I see getting that right have really effective teams that deliver.

What’s on the record table  / Spotify at the moment?
It has been equal parts The Middle East (after just seeing their reunion show recently) and some islander gospel. Those voices!

Favourite cocktail / Drink?

My blood orange tree is in season right now, so blood orange negroni’s have been a huge hit recently.

Other than your own, what are the three most valuable/most used apps on your phone?
Gmail, Castbox (for podcasts) and Commsec