A few words to introduce your company and yourself?
Matthew Pryor, Co-Founder & General Partner, Tenacious Ventures

What problem are you solving?
Early-stage VC for agri-food innovation. We support and fund Australian startups who are helping to change the food system.

Any words on the Digital/ Tech Melbourne ecosystem and community?
Have loved seeing the emergence of the #agtech scene in Melbourne over the last few years.

What’s the biggest challenge for Australian start-ups in your opinion?
Make sure you are actually solving a problem that people will pay money to have fixed.

What technology are you most looking forward to becoming mainstream in the next few years?
Autonomous agricultural robots

Any tips on building successful / cohesive teams?
Have a purpose, have fun, hire slow.

What’s on the record table  / Spotify at the moment?
Whatever my AI overlords tell me I want to hear

Favourite cocktail / Drink?
A magic.

Other than your own, what are the three most valuable/most used apps on your phone?
Slack, Asana, Strides