A few words to introduce your company and yourself?
We’re Kim & Adrian – business partners, life partners… double partners. Mr Yum is a beautiful digital menu and order & pay at table solution for hospitality venues.

What problem are you solving?
Menus haven’t changed in 200 years, customers want more than just text to help them make decisions. Meanwhile, the hospitality industry is struggling to remain profitable because of changing customer expectations and increasing labour costs.

What’s the biggest challenge for Australian startups in your opinion?
Lack of competition in Australia has its pros and cons. Startups want to compete on a global scale but many don’t have the hunger and drive for innovation created by competition. On the other hand, it’s easier to win in a local market.

What technology are you most looking forward to becoming mainstream in the next few years?
Technology that helps us remain young, alert and energetic!

Any tips on building successful / cohesive teams?
Get the train moving, fast. The best people want to jump on a moving train. The best people bring great energy. When you chase the energy, culture takes care of itself.

What’s on the record table  / Spotify at the moment?
Adrian’s new 80s pop songs! 😉

Favourite cocktail / Drink?
Furphy and natural wines because Kim doesn’t get the Asian glow.

Other than your own, what are the three most valuable/most used apps on your phone?
LinkedIn, AFL App, Beem It (get on it)