What’s your name?

Kristen Gallagher

What do you do at AllSquares?

My role is General Manager – Queen of the go-between! Acting as a conduit between the founders Julien and Danny, and our legendary team, along with assisting the guys on the broader long term strategy and vision for AllSquares. Day-to-day I oversee the running of the business and a big part of my role in 2022 will be working with each employee on their own individual growth plans. We are also looking at some internal programs around culture and mental health and wellness – which I’m very excited about.

Why AllSquares?

AllSquares came to me, but nothing has ever felt more right! I’m a big believer in everything happening for a reason, and I am right where I need to be. I feel grateful to be a part of such a supportive team, where we all really look after each other and a company that believes work should be integrated into your life and not the other way around.

3 apps you can’t live without?

Definitely the weather app which I check usually around 3am if I can’t sleep, Apple fitness and WhatsApp.

Sports Team?

I used to work at the Australian Open when I was younger so I love a bit of tennis, and AFL wise, go dees.

Last 3 records you listened to?

Not quite records, but I like to run so I mostly listen to running playlists. The frozen and Sing 2 soundtracks get a good workout for my 4-year-old, and Ali Barter is always on rotation.

Favourite drink?

Depends on the time of day…English breaky tea in the morning. A lot of H2O. And post 5pm Gin or Pinot Noir.

Favourite food?

Probably a home-made pizza. We have them most Friday nights and it’s something I look forward to with my family. I’m also a big fan of a steak and frites – so lunch at Bistro Thierry is the way to my heart.