What’s your name?

Yana Martens

What do you do at AllSquares?

I’m a Delivery Consultant. I’m new to recruitment, doing delivery in the meantime will allow me to get a better understanding of the Industry and how to navigate it.

Why AllSquares?

I always wanted to be a part of a small and fun team, and I love my lunchtime yoga 😉

3 apps you can’t live without?

Phone – yes, I still call all my friends…

LinkedIn – all my network is there…

WhatApp – all my family is back in Russia that’s how we stay connected

Sports Team?


I don’t watch any sports, I like to play them instead 😉

Last 3 records you listened to?

I never remember the names of the artists…

Favourite drink?

I don’t drink… But if I have to, I’ll shoot vodka…

Favourite food?

Anything that can stop me feeling hungry…